From: ian glendinning (
Date: Fri Sep 09 2005 - 09:26:45 BST
Gav, Platt,
Hear hear Gav.
I'd just like to point out that even those of us with enough wisdom to
know we are fools, find Platt's contributions frequently infuriating
(the wiser ones ignore it, I know). But Platt do you not see that
throwing "you liberals" back at another INDIVIDUAL like Khaled, about
whose mind-set and politics I know nothing, says more about you than
him. (Anything you know about him is in your head, not his.)
I must read Arlo's post.
On 9/9/05, khaled Alkotob <> wrote:
> Hello Gav
> I was just humoring Platt a little, can you say sarcasm?
> My point to Platt was: Forget socialism, communism and bleeding heart
> liberalism. If you choose not take care of your fellow man on
> humanitarian grounds, you have to do it so they won't rebel and cut off
> you head.
> Look not everyone is a leader, and some just choose to just live. But if
> you happen to be in a leadership position, DO THE RIGHT THING.
> Except for modern dentistry, medicine, and certain working conditions,
> the quality of life in the last 200 years has not really improved.
> Just a bigger rat race, at a faster rate and a species refusing to adapt.
> You would enjoy reading Jerry Mander's " In the absence of the sacred:
> The failure of technology and the rise of the Indian nations"
> His first book " Four arguments for the illimination of television" is
> worth looking into
> Khaled
> On Fri, 9 Sep 2005 12:45:25 +1000 (EST) gav <> writes:
> > great to see racism and cultural elitism are alive and
> > well on the list!
> >
> > truly a never ending source of laughs.
> >
> > "in everyman there is something from which i can
> > learn" emerson's definition of wisdom.
> >
> > or how about shakespeare: "a fool thinks he is wise,
> > whereas a wise man knows he's a fool"
> >
> > arrogance? from platt and khaled: definitely.
> > arlo is spot on in my opinion. i dont understand why
> > platt and khaled find it difficult to grasp a simple
> > point.
> >
> > our awesome culture is going down the gurgler guys -
> > or haven't you noticed?
> >
> > if we are to survive it is time to learn a little from
> > those bone-wearing cultures like the australian
> > aborigines who lived in harmony with each other and
> > their environment for 100 000 years, not 200 years of
> > mass slaughter.
> > jesus! who the fuck are the progressive ones?
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