Re: MD The intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)

Date: Wed Sep 14 2005 - 19:31:00 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "RE: MD The intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)"

     Hi Jos (Reinier mentioned) --

    > I will happily answer your questions (as best I can), but
    > would be more interested in practical alterations that you
    > would suggest to make this diagram more acceptable to you.

    Fair enough, and I'll be happy to assist in putting your "diagram" into a
    more "acceptable" set of postulates. For the present, however, we must come
    to an agreement on concepts. I start with Essence, which I suppose makes me
    a reductionist, while you and most of your readers are either inductionists
    or synthesists (I'm not sure of the right word.) So, it's critical to me
    that Essence be properly "defined" insofar as we can define the transcendent
    abstraction that is the foundation of this philosophy.

    Let's reconsider the "chaos" concept.

    > 1) According to the moq, static patterns are left behind in the
    > wake of DQ, my scheme sticks to this idea. I haven't exactly
    > said that essence is the same as chaos, essence is essence,
    > if anything I am saying that chaos doesn't exist. Its place in
    > the hierarchy has been replaced by essence, but essence is
    > not taking on the properties of chaos, I want to use your
    > definition of it.

    To begin with, I don't particularly like the phrase "in the wake of DQ" for
    an immutable source. With due respect to Prisig, I think this connotes a
    shifting or transitory surge of Essence [DQ] as an explanation for the
    differentiation of SQ. I have a new approach to this ontology which is
    based on various notions of "contradiction" and "contrariety" that have been
    suggested by several posters, including Reinier, whose ideas I value.

    I've learned the hard way that it's a mistake to deal with Essence in terms
    of "polarity", although I've been tempted to do it several times over the
    years because it's a most useful metaphor. I had a minor epiphany this
    morning, while lighting up my daily cigar, which has prompted me to revisit
    this issue at my own peril. I present it to you here for your

    The physical world is not only diverse and differentiated, but its
    differentiation in many respects constitutes a polarized system. We observe
    this polarity in the protons and electrons of the micro-world of nuclear
    physics, as well as in antithetical attributes -- being/nothingness,
    birth/death, etc. -- in the macro-world of nature. Experienced values are
    virtually a study in contrasts -- pleasure/pain, good/evil, beauty/ugliness,
    peace/violence, desire/disgust, harmony/dissonance, order/chaos, etc.
    Indeed, this "law of opposition" is so prevalent that one can almost regard
    existential experience as "contrariety personified".

    At the other extreme, the primary source (whether identified as the
    Absolute, God, or The One) has historically been regarded as a unified,
    undifferentiated Whole. If we assume this to be true, then it follows that
    the absolute source is the antithesis of polarized multiformity. In other
    words, Essence [DQ] is that state or mode of reality in which there is no
    opposition and polarity disappears. I submit that Essence has logical
    validity as the 'non-contradictory first principle'.

    I'm reminded of what Professor Clyde Miller said about Cusa's theory of the
    not-other as applied to this first principle: "The transcendent not-other
    thus undercuts both the principles of non-contradiction and of the excluded
    middle." Consider the following expressions, and let me know how they might
    be better stated:

            Existence [SQ] = positive vs. negative = contrariety
            Essence [DQ] = positive=negative = unity

    If you see any value to this approach, perhaps you might want to incorporate
    it some way in your "collage". On the other hand, if your your intutive
    light doesn't flash, we can proceed to the "heirarchical" points under
    discussion. I intend to address those in a follow-up post.

    Jos, despite our differences, I'm encouraged in equal measure by your
    persistence and analytical skills, and I greatly appreciate your willingness
    to take my ideas under consideration. Perhaps I was too hasty in concluding
    that we were on different pages. (Can we still "agree to disagree"?)

    Thanks for the opportunity,

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