Re: MD The intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)

Date: Thu Sep 08 2005 - 12:40:02 BST

  • Next message: mark maxwell: "RE: MD The SOL fallacy (or Blind mans buff)"

    Ian and Group.

    On 6 Sep. you spoke thus:

    Bo to Sam before:
    > > Do you really agree with a "more broadly defined intellect"? It is
    > > the breadth that is the problem and it gets worse when Ian goes on
    > > to say (if my reading is correct) "consisting (at levels above that
    > > latch) as the MOQ itself". The MOQ as an intellectual pattern is
    > > impossible.

    Ian now:

    > [IG] What else could it possibly be ?

    "It" is the MOQ, no? It is the QUALITY REALITY of which
    intellect is a static sub-set.

    (It's obviously expressed and evident in all the other levels as well.)

    Er....if you men that all levels are quality levels ...sure. None
    corresponds to any somish counterpart, the inorganic level is not
    matter ...etc. but most of all: Intellect is not mind ...or intelligence.
    > [IG[ Then your Oxford dictionary is useless - or just very outmoded
    > for our purposes. An intellect that ignores feelings and instincts is
    > a very low quality one - Like a SOMist one.

    No, my dictionary is updated enough, but this is the very point
    Ian. Intellect is the a static level and of course it ignores or -
    better - slights emotions, it's the MOQ that recognizes both
    emotions and "instincts" (I like sensations better) by seeing them
    as separate evolutionary levels. Forget about intellect, it is a
    static level and can as little be improved as biology or society.
    The MOQ is beyond intellect!

    The very leap from primitivity to modernity is the ability to
    distance oneself from emotions. The biological beings can't
    distance themselves from sensations and the social beings can't
    from emotions. But - and here's the clue - the intellectual beings
    can't distance themselves from SOM-rationality. "Distancing
    oneself from rationality" sounds odd, but it just means seeing
    intellect as the highest static level, yet not the Quality Reality


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