MD Bunzel's Zuni Brujo

From: Case (
Date: Wed Nov 09 2005 - 02:02:13 GMT

  • Next message: David M: "Re: MD Holy Holy Holy Trinity"

    I put this up so people could read and comment on it if they like.

    It is the original version of the Zuni brujo story that sparked Pirsig's
    thinking about Static and Dynamic Value. The following quote is the first
    use of the word "Dynamic" and the second use of "static" in the book.

    "Sometimes you can see your own society's issues more clearly when they are
    put in an exotic context like that of the brujo in Zuni. That is a huge
    reward from the study of anthropology. As Phaedrus thought about this
    context again and again it became apparent there were two kinds of good and
    evil involved.
    The tribal frame of values that condemned the brujo and led to his
    punishment was one kind of good, for which Phasdrus coined the term 'static
    good.' Each culture has its own pattern of static good derived from fixed
    laws and the traditions and values that underlie them. This pattern of
    static good is the essential structure of the culture itself and defines it.
    In the static sense the brujo was very clearly evil to oppose the appointed
    authorities of his tribe. Suppose everyone did that? The whole Zuni culture,
    after thousands of years of continuous survival, would collapse into chaos.
    But in addition there's a Dynamic good that is outside of any culture, that
    cannot be contained by any system of precepts, but has to be continually
    rediscovered as a culture evolves. Good and evil are not entirely a matter
    of tribal custom. If they were, no tribal change would be possible, since
    custom cannot change custom. There has to be another source of good and evil
    outside the tribal customs that produces the tribal change."

    Lila page 56

    This a section on withcraft is cited in Ruth Benedict's Pattern of Culture.
    The citation is listed in the Chapter VIII References as follows:

    261 For a native account of this witchcraft incident in Zuni, see
    Bunzel, Ruth L. Publications of the American Ethnological Society, XV:44-52.
    New York, 1933.

    Click on the links below for the PDF files. The originals were on microfilm.

    It was kind of hard to run down. It is about 1 megabyte but should print out
    nicely if you like it that way. If you need a different file format, Please
    Send Tell.

    Hope you find this interesting.


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