Re: MD Where the ads take aim

From: Rebecca Temmer (
Date: Mon Nov 14 2005 - 01:07:31 GMT

  • Next message: Rebecca Temmer: "Re: MD Where the ads take aim"

    Hey Erin,
    Thanks. From reading your posts it seems that you and I share many of the
    same values :). My statement was meant to be a bit of a quip, I enjoy
    playing with words as much as the ideas that underlie them. What I mean by
    "importance of the self" isn't the preeminence of the self, but that the
    concept of the self is very important to philosophy. You can ignore the self
    while doing philosophy but in the end it comes back to you - not unlike
     I'm not going to claim that I know anything about the Buddhist notion of
    the self, I don't know anything about Buddhism, really.
     I try and stay out of left v. right arguments because I think they're
    defeatist. The left/right conception was originally concieved of as a divide
    of economic ideology. It's grown to encompass much broader collections of
    values and principles now that I don't think are appropriately grouped
    together or can be discussed as polarized sets (or a linear spectrum as a
    slightly larger conception).

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