Re: MD FW: The intellectual level and rationality

From: Rebecca Temmer (
Date: Tue Nov 15 2005 - 16:11:51 GMT

  • Next message: Rebecca Temmer: "Re: MD Quality, DQ and SQ"

    Come on Bo,
    Are you being unduly thick?

    = is 'equals'
    > is 'greater than'
     So what Paul 'looks like saying' is "If intellect equals rationality and
    rationality is greater than SOM then Intellect is Greater than SOM." Which
    should be clear enough....

    I'm not sure how your logic goes, you use the = sign then the >
    sign, but it looks like saying:

    "If intellect equals rationality and rationality equals SOM then
    intellect equals SOM". Which is clear enough, but is it a counter-
    or pro argument? You opened your thesis post with saying:

    I agree with the recent suggestion by Rebecca Temmer
    that rationality is a good definition of the intellectual level.

    This looks like saying that the intellectual level=rationality. Then
    in your post of 11 Nov.

    "Here I think the "classic pattern of rationality" is a
    reference to something like a dualistic S/O rationality

    And this looks like saying that rationality=S/O and if so ..voila!!
    Maybe "classic rationality" has some special significance? In that
    case what is non-classic rationality?


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