Re: MD Systematic about the Sophists (Kingsley)

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Wed Mar 12 2003 - 09:04:34 GMT

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    Hi Wim,

    I agree almost completely. I don't think the conventional understanding (ie
    Pirsig's) of the division between social and intellectual levels stands up
    to sustained scrutiny. I like your definition of the social level very much
    (unconscious copying of behaviour); on the fourth level, I still like my
    'eudaimonic' or 'individualistic' conception. But that latter argument is
    exhausted for a while.

    I say 'almost' because I doubt it is possible to educate children in 'logos'
    without also educating them in a 'mythos' - even if the mythos is as
    impoverished as the Modernist drama of salvation by scientific reasoning. We
    tell our children stories; we 'show' them stories - and that is the mythos
    on which their subsequent thinking is based, I would say. But I'm only just
    starting down that road in practice, so I could be wrong.


    "Bush's speechwriters may be able to help him talk the talk, but does he
    kneel the kneel?" (Alex Pennell)

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Wim Nusselder" <>
    To: "MD" <>
    Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 9:41 PM
    Subject: Re: MD Systematic about the Sophists (Kingsley)

    > Dear Sam,
    > You wrote 11 Mar 2003 19:29:12 -0000 that Kingsley's 'book is a project
    > aimed at showing the profound continuities between Pythagorean (Orphic)
    > magic, myths and ritual, as best represented in the figure of the
    > pre-Socratic philosopher Empedocles, and Plato's perspective, especially
    > set out in the Phaedo.'
    > That supports my idea that the birth of the intellectual level should not
    > situated there and then. The gradual development from logos out of mythos
    > simply a development within the intellectual level. The mythos should not
    > identified with social patterns of values (even if Pirsig seems to do so)
    > and the logos not with (all) intellectual patterns of values. They are
    > lower quality respectively higher quality intellectual patterns of value.
    > There is another reason why the development of logos out of mythos should
    > not be equated with a development of the intellectual level out of the
    > social level:
    > In the MoQ intellectual patterns of value cannot 'grow on top of'
    > patterns of value. Without social patterns of value in between, mind
    > grow from (even animate) matter. Although historically logos was derived
    > from mythos, we can now educate our children to think logically without
    > having to teach them to think mythically. So myths etc. (or mythical
    > thinking) cannot be the social level which the MoQ needs.
    > We can only teach our children to think in the way our society needs after
    > first making them behave however. Until they reach a certain age (around 7
    > years old?) it is no use telling children to do something because of this
    > that reason. They will do what you tell them if you tell them emphatically
    > enough, whatever the reasons you give, and if you behave according to what
    > you say. Properly motivating what they do is something they only learn
    > gradually in the course of say another 7 years. Only then they can be said
    > to really participate in intellectual patterns of value, by consciously
    > acting according to ideas and being susceptible to persuasion (instead of
    > the 'blackmailing' or at least bargaining which you need at an earlier age
    > to make them do something which they really don't want). This
    > behaving-ourselves-because-of-social-pressures (as distinguished from
    > acting-for-conscious-reasons) is the social level the MoQ needs.
    > With friendly greetings,
    > Wim
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