Re: MD Squonk wrote a Review

From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Thu Mar 13 2003 - 05:24:38 GMT

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "MD the quality of ignoring low quality"


    Johnny said:
    Is Quality real? I recall someone posting Quality=Reality a while back,
    does "equals" mean "is"? Is Reality qual? How are they morality, which was
    the third equality in that triangle, Reality=Morality=Quality?

    In my mind, Quality is the ultimate metaphor. I follow Donald Davidson in
    thinking metaphors are indecipherable sounds or scratches. This fits
    perfectly well with Pirsig's attempt to leave Quality undefined. As such,
    when we say that "Quality is Reality" we cannot take it in any literal
    sense. It only has a metaphorical sense, meaning it only has the force of
    a stick hitting our head (as Squonk might say). Metaphors cannot be part
    of knowledge because knowledge is about things we can understand, things we
    can move about on an intellectual chessboard. Metaphors cause us to change
    our beliefs, they aren't reasons to change our beliefs. So, saying
    "Quality is Reality" forces us to think of the world in a particular
    way. I think one appropriate way to explicate it is "morality," because at
    the bottom of morality is judgement and the metaphor forces us to think of
    ourselves as constantly making judgements. Another appropriate way is
    "relational," because if everything is judging, then everything is in a
    constant flux, pushing back and forth against each other.

    This is why I think Quality is an anti-essence, a poisonous term to put
    into any system that purports to correspond to the way things truly are.


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