Re: MD Squonk wrote a Review

From: jhmau (
Date: Thu Mar 13 2003 - 21:15:59 GMT

  • Next message: jhmau: "Re: MD the quality of ignoring low quality"

    Hi Matt, Wim, Johnny and All,

    MoQ throws light on how we know. Matt said on 4 March 2003 11:07 AM "Persig
    seems to strike the view that you don't need epistemology. It's all

    joe: Pirsig points to an intuitive sensing of quality. The epistemology of
    intuition is embedded in the explication of an instinctive sensing of
    reality. Words represent patterns, sq, rather than abstracted essences as
    in SOM. Patterns are formed from instinct and memory. The 'quality' in the
    pattern is certain as it is intuited from dq. In an instinctive sensing of
    real;ities there are different certainties. My actions are certain. "The
    devil made me do it!" is no defense. The certainty of the word 'is'
    representing existence is instinctive, no proof possible. I can only focus
    my attention. Howevedr, I can speak from laziness, confusion and lies.
    Therefore I only trust words so I have to verify them, as Johnny pointed
    out. But the quality part of a word is certain, the memory part can be
    faulty. 'Final vocabulary' and 'recontextualization' are useful in
    expoloring the 'quality' part of the pattern.

    Matt: In my mind, Quality, is the ultimate metaphor.

    joe: A metaphor attributes existence for something not usually existing in
    that way. For example, I am a tree. The ultimate metaphor would be,
    'quality is.' This is an "indecipherable sound or scratch" which replaces
    'substance is.' Matt, I think you have set up a straw man which you are
    abusing for reasons of your own. If you prefer SOM why talk about Quality
    at all. From an MoQ perspective the above statement is not true. In MoQ I
    learn, I act, I am, I remember. No mind is necessary and out comes Occam's

    Matt: This is why I think Quality is an anti-essence, a poisonous term to
    put into any system that purports to correspond to the way things truly are.

    joe: In SOM Quality is an accident, it adheres in the substance. I do not
    see how in SOM Quality can be anti-essence since it depends on essence for
    its existence. If you are referring to MoQ Quality you do not accept
    intuition. More abuse for the strawman begging the question 'the way things
    truly are.' Not hardly wht I would call a quality exposition even in SOM
    terms. I refer you to Wim's statement on 12 March 2003 11:24 PM: "MoQish
    'Quality' is only an attribute of patterns."


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