Re: MD The Quality Event

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Mon Apr 28 2003 - 16:40:47 BST

  • Next message: Elizaphanian: "Re: MD Undeniable Facts"

    Hi Steve,

    : "Rather than use the distinction of subjects and objects as the primary
    : division that enables understanding of reality, Pirsig's second major
    : insight was to divide reality into a creative aspect (dynamic quality) and a
    : self-sustaining aspect (static quality). In ZAMM he explained how the
    : Quality event produces subjects and objects. In Lila, he explained that it
    : is more useful to think of the Quality Event as Dynamic Quality leaving
    : static patterns of value in its wake which can latch or not onto other
    : static patterns of value."
    : Is this a good interpretation of how the Quality Event would be redefined in
    : Lila?

    Seems good to me.

    : How is ZAMM's Quality event and Quality=Experience reconciled with Lila's
    : static/dynamic split?

    You might like to spell out the question in a bit more detail if you want to get a fuller answer!


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