Re: MD The mythology of science

From: Elizaphanian (
Date: Mon May 05 2003 - 16:28:37 BST

  • Next message: johnny moral: "Re: MD What's the difference?"

    Phyllis - to a large extent I agree that this mythology is in the process of being rejected; that's
    what I understand 'post-modernism' to be. What I am interested in is not getting rid of the baby
    with the bathwater (which is what I think that mythology did to religion). There are some profoundly
    important things about science that we need to hang on to - within a larger context.

    I accept your point about citations, by the way, but I treat the MD forum as akin to conversation
    (the essays are a little different) and I'd rather know what somebody believes for themselves (and
    why) that wade through lots of extracts (like the ones I provided from Grace Jantzen... yikes -
    hoist by my own petard?)

    Where did (do) you do your philosophy in the real world?


    "Even to have expressed a false thought boldly and clearly is already to have gained a great deal."
    Wittgenstein, 1948
    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "phyllis bergiel" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Monday, May 05, 2003 12:45 PM
    Subject: Re: MD The mythology of science

    : Hi Sam,
    : If this were 1959, I would agree with you.

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