Re: MD Re:The Quality event.

Date: Thu May 08 2003 - 20:28:18 BST

  • Next message: Joe: "Re: MD What's the difference?"

    In a message dated 5/8/03 8:01:39 PM GMT Daylight Time, writes:

    > Squonk,
    > Thanks for your response.
    > > Your description of DQ as a 'creative aspect' is misleading.
    > Ho so?
    > Steve

    Hello Steve,
    DQ is best left alone, undefined, untouched - don't go near it!
    This is important.
    I once thought as you and freely used to suggest that DQ was creative, but i
    feel it may be better to say that DQ is the source of creativity. That leaves
    room for DQ being the source of disintegration, which can often be the result
    of too much dynamic intervention.
    I hope this makes sense?
    Please forgive me, i do not mean to be nit picking or trouble causing, i
    merely wish for the MoQ as intended to be presented AS INTENDED, and not
    under the interpretation of those who feel they understand it better. I
    mention no names, but Bo comes to mind. (Ooooooops!)

    Further Steve, please be very careful when thinking about the
    Classic/Romantic split, which is not of Pirsig's origin. This Split is an old
    western philosophical tradition and received some illumination in ZMM. Again,
    as postings i have made to this forum will amply show, i too have confused
    C/R with Static/Dynamic MoQ.
    The inside/outside thing you have going may be because of this? I am not
    Again, and i hate to sound like a swine, but a certain MoQ 'expert' lead me
    astray on this one too. No names please, although Bo springs to mind. (Ooooo
    damn it!)

    You will not get a patronising pat on the back 'well done sonny jim' from me,
    but what you will get are the results of my having banged my head against the
    wall over the MoQ. And you are welcome to it. You must be. Its yours. Its
    important. I am at your service.


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