RE: MD MOQ human development and the levels

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Jun 01 2003 - 01:57:43 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD MOQ human development and the levels"

    Platt and all:

    dmb said:
    > In fact, one of
    > the most prominant and important features of the higher levels is an
    > increasingly wider perspective, so that the individual identifies with
    > increasingly larger and broader communities, from the family to the
    > and from the nation the world, etc..

    Platt replied:
    I must have missed this conclusion in "Lila." In what chapter might I find
    a passage where Pirsig claims that a feature of the higher levels is an
    individual's identification with "larger and broader communities?"

    dmb answers:
    I was talking about your pal Ken Wilber and cognitive development in
    general, Lila. Pirsig doesn't get into such psychological specifically, but
    I do think we can see it in the MOQ. I posted some Wilber that explains
    this increasingly broader indentification and compared that hierarchy with
    the MOQ's. Its thread name is "development and the levels" and was posted
    just a few minutes ago. I'd be happy to discuss it if...

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