Re: MD 'unmediated experience'

From: Glenn Scheper (
Date: Mon Jun 02 2003 - 10:12:28 BST

  • Next message: Paul Turner: "RE: MD MOQ human development and the levels"

    > Hello Glenn, An overdue reply to this.

    Not at all, Sam! Your reply has had many beneficial effects:
    -- Asking my opinion by name made me feel good, and welcome.
    -- It helped me to know if my delurking post was a taken as
    some shot over the bow, or as a pebble dropped into an abyss.
    -- It made me buy and start on Lila, our admission ticket.

    Reaching page 110 today, I wonder if anyone felt bad when,
    at page 100, Phaedrus, our hero truth seeker, strategizes,
    "He'd better not tell her he'd already had breakfast"?
    I would go into this more: It resonates on my home front.

    Your essay on the possibility of unmediated experience,
    is the very topic I hope to contribute and explore here.

    To what extent you explored my web site, you would know
    that I had a psychosis in 1976, arising, in my opinion,
    from a moment of direct gnosis: an unmediated experience
    that exceeded my capacity then to tolerate, understand or
    distribute such non-intuitive(*), a priori(*) knowledge.

    (*)A layman with an Internet acquaintance to philosophy,
    I have to remind myself why I used these terms, by citing
    this one of several interlinked philosophy expositions:
    Non-Intuitive Immediate Knowledge

    To defend my insights from a totalizing psychologizing
    perspective, I must demonstrate that they convey things
    I could not conceive of from my then naivete, such as
    foreknowledge or correctly positioned mythic knowledge.
    These evidences would be signs of transcendent idealism:
    tapping non-analytic propositions, or truths, beyond my
    ability to generate them by my experience, and therefore
    evidence of God, or at least, some QM sharing mechanism.

    Yours truly,
    Glenn Scheper
    glenn_scheper + at +
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