Date: Sun Jun 08 2003 - 15:56:04 BST
They're like nested spheres so that the higher ones
envelope and include the lower ones as part of their own structure. You
can't have organisms without matter first and you can have human society
without human bodies first. Anything else is pretty hard to imagine.
sq: Your predilection for Wilber clouds not only your own understanding of
the MoQ, it garbles the understanding of others also. That is a disgrace in my
view, and one i will be pursuing. You inform those who are unfortunate enough
to listen, in glib throw away statements, that the MoQ is a generalisation -
how the hell can the MoQ be a generalisation if everything is made of Dharmas
for pity's sake!? Hey? Silence. Total silence. How about an answer? More
Like nested spheres? Weak.
When you tell us, that it is hard to imagine society without human bodies
first, you have in mind your nested spheres. But it may be better if you dropped
that Wilber guff, gentle reader, and restated your position as follows: The
relationship between social and biological patterns influences the Quality of
each level. Then you would be able to say, with more meaning in my view: A good
society is hard to imagine without a restriction of biological freedom. You
see, many would argue, and i am one for a start, that a society isn't worth much
if it isn't a GOOD one! That's not nesting, its harmonising; its a coherence;
its a relationship of DQ/SQ tension.
The MoQ explicitly states that value levels are discrete. If you continue to
insist otherwise, i feel you devalue the work of Mr. Pirsig and this forum.
Nothing new there of course.
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