Re: Re: MD MOQ human development and the levels

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Mon Jun 02 2003 - 15:16:30 BST

  • Next message: Steve Peterson: "Re: RE: MD MOQ human development and the levels"

    Hi Squonk,

    > Wilber is so tortuously convoluted, no one really understands what the blazes
    > he's on about.

    DMB could probably help explain it to you if you ask him nicely (i.e. no name

    >Wilber is a Value sink
    > in my view.

    ..and a cancer? Can you explain? What is so bad about Wilber other than that
    you don't understand him?

    You seem to be frustrated that everyone is philosophizing on this list. Isn't
    that what it's here for? If it's not what you are here for then is it actually
    you that really wants to end the discussion?

    Your message seems to be "stop posting to this list and look at some art." Am
    I wrong?

    What do you get out of participating in this discussion group?


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