From: Paul Turner (
Date: Tue Jun 10 2003 - 09:05:10 BST
Hi Squonk
> Congratulations! I wish you and your partner every
> happiness on becoming
> parents. Wonderful news. :-)
> I too feel happy with my understanding of the MoQ,
> and perhaps even more so
> now there is harmony and agreement. On a selfish
> note, i hope you keep in touch
> and let me know how things are going?
Definitely, I will be looking for examples and
opportunities to apply the MOQ and if I come up with
any good ones I'll be sure to post them in.
You made a point some time ago that the forum could do
with some more real application of the MOQ. I agree, I
think some of the interpretation issues would be
resolved or at least helped by moving away from
hypothetical debate. Of course, that debate is
necessary and is still an important part of the forum.
A quick MOQ application which I touched on a few weeks
Confusion as DQ/SQ intellectual tension: Confusion may
be seen as a situation requiring explanation that
surpasses your intellectual repertoire of concepts or
ambiguously calls to consciousness more than one
explanation. It could be seen as static intellectual
patterns resisting Dynamic intuition or insight? I
think Zen koans deliberately work on this basis? It
also has echoes of Pirsig's 'stuckness'.
I have a post on the MOQ forum itself ready to send as
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