Re: MD mythos vs logos

Date: Sun Jun 15 2003 - 23:48:02 BST

  • Next message: Valence: "Re: MD The Transformation of Love"

    > [David Buchanan] In the Lila quote Pirsig is explaining the distinction
    > between the mythos and the logos. He's saying that the logos is built up out of
    > the mythos, that it is derived from the mythos and distinct from it. Squank
    > seems to interpret this to mean that the mythos IS the logos, that the parent
    > IS the child, that old religious rhetoric IS the same as our modern
    > scientific talk. I'm truly baffled by this lapse of logic and wonder how anyone could
    > subscribe to such nonsense. It erases one of the most important features of
    > the MOQ and renders the moral codes utterly unintelligible. Like SOM, it fails
    > to make a distinction between the social and intellectual level by simply
    > asserting that they both happen in the brain, both involve some kind of
    > cognitive function. This might be true, but it still does not negate the
    > distinction.

    sq: Intellect as symbolic manipulation can involve the biological, social and
    Dynamic. It is all symbolic manipulation.
    Some of the earliest Greek fragments are inventories of food stores -500
    before Homer. Nothing religious about it. Mundane in fact.
    Not all rhetoric before 3,000 BC has to have been religious - if it
    symbolised experience of any variety then it was of the intellect.
    As regards the mythos/logos - i do not argue as you suggest in any way. My
    view is that the logos is a different mythos. That is why Mr. Pirsig tells us
    Pheadrus left the mythos - it is our mythos Pheadrus left not that which
    prevailed 3,000 years ago.
    Our mythos and the mythos of 3,000 years ago both involved symbolic
    manipulation. If you feel that is nonsense then you feel Mr. Pirsig has written

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