Re: MD The Transformation of Love

From: Platt Holden (
Date: Fri Jun 27 2003 - 21:12:36 BST

  • Next message: johnny moral: "Re: MD The Transformation of Love"

    Dear Wim,

    > Platt wrote 26 Jun 2003 07:59:20 -0400:
    > 'It bothers me, however, that you categorize persons as mere social
    > patterns, the realm where the Giant rules. We know what the Giant does to
    > persons; he has them for lunch. Better to think of persons as individuals
    > possessing intellect that can improve life by responding to DQ. That way
    > persons are less likely to end up as fodder for the Giant's ugly ambitions.
    > It was the guarantee of individual rights as protection against the
    > appetite of the Giant that made the USA unique and helped draw powerful
    > intellects from all over the world to its shores, yearning to be free.'

    > People participate in both social and intellectual patterns of value. 'The
    > Giant', or a cluster of social patterns of values, not only 'devours
    > people' in the sense of making them replaceable elements in a status
    > hierarchy. It is also used by people to give their life Meaning by striving
    > to rise in that status hierarchy and by identifying with the Giant and its
    > contributions to humanity. Clusters of intellectual patterns of values,
    > like science, can also 'devour people' in the sense of making them
    > replaceable propagators of sets of ideas. I hope you're aware that the USA
    > can also be experienced as a Giant?

    Yes, the USA can be experienced as a Giant as can any city or country on
    earth. Also, unfortunately, there are many people who identify with the
    Giant as their primary means of defining themselves rather than as
    individual, free thinkers and responders to DQ.

    As for the Giant's "contributions to humanity," he cuts both ways, raising
    up millions by providing myriads of opportunities and slaughtering
    millions in his quest for power. It's the down side, often disguised as
    being for the "public good," that we need to watch out for. Communism was
    sold to the Russians as helping them.

    As for clusters of intellectual patterns devouring people, that sounds
    like meme theory, in which case you and I have become unwitting victims
    and replaceable propagators of Pirsig's ideas, a theory I flatly reject.

    Having said all that, I would be foolish not to acknowledge the influence
    of the Giant and ideas originated by others on my individuality. Hopefully
    I'm not a complete clone of my culture . . . or my MD collaborators. :-)


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