RE: MD The Transformation of Love

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Jun 29 2003 - 19:02:07 BST

  • Next message: Ian Glendinning: "RE: MD Introduction and Questions"

    Rick and all:

    RICK said:
    I don't think that romantic love implies 'jealousy and fear and other base
    emotions' anymore than I think that compassion implies hypocrisy (as some
    have suggested).... Moreover, I don't think compassion *needs* to be
    'intellectually realized' at all, as I have said, I think it exists quite
    comfortably on the social level.

    dmb says:
    I think compassion and love are born in the social level but are also
    essential dimensions of all growth beyond that. It opens and grows. Wilber
    talks about the various levels of compassion in some detail - and it is
    discussed as a part of our spiritual nature, which I think is right on. Its
    one of the areas Pirsig doesn't discuss explicitly and so I find Wilber
    quite helpful.

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