Re: MD Racism in the forum.

From: Joe (
Date: Wed Jul 09 2003 - 19:45:00 BST

  • Next message: Scott R: "Re: MD Racism in the forum."

    On 09 July 2003 4:50 AM Squonk writes to Scott:

    Hi Squonk, Scott, and all,

    joe: I think as you, Squonk! Well said!

      So, the claim that ancient Greece saw the emergence of subjects and objects is quite frankly ludicrous. What did happen was a very severe emphasis - a world shattering mistake of making these divisions permanent like the Gods. Its an artistic creation, and primarily an aesthetic one. You simply do not need a SoM to do maths or geometry, and the S/O divide is certainly not a prerequisite for another level in the MoQ.

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