From: David MOREY (
Date: Tue Sep 16 2003 - 19:49:42 BST
I agree, I want to keep quality and MOQ
always on the agenda. Keep dragging us back.
David M
----- Original Message -----
From: "Platt Holden" < >
To: < >
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 4:45 PM
Subject: RE: MD Dealing with the MOQ
> Hi Paul,
> > ...has finally helped me see that this has become more of a general
> > philosophy forum than a site to discuss Pirsig's metaphysics in depth
> > and in its own vocabulary and definitions as provided by the author.
> > Indeed, it seems that the idea of agreeing on the meaning of MOQ
> > vocabulary and definitions has been generally declared either impossible
> > or even undesirable.
> >
> > So, as I have no other pet philosophy project or alternative MOQ
> > interpretation to discuss, it seems I've little to add to these
> > discussions other than trying to disentangle and [as you point out]
> > stifle the interpretations and syntheses of others.
> >
> > I think it's time to lurk for a while...
> Oh, I hope not! To lose your clear, incisive, accurate interpretations
> of the MOQ would be a great loss to this site which, despite the
> efforts of some to change the subject, is still devoted to a discussion
> of Pirsig's works. Yes, there are a few people here with certain
> agendas and points of view which they believe will, when properly
> understood, change the world. Others simply present views that are
> incoherent. But mostly it's just human nature to get off track once in
> awhile, as anyone who has attended any meeting of any size knows. I
> look at some of these wanderings as opportunities for DQ to present
> itself. Others that are obviously propaganda statements or irrelevant
> are easily and quickly sent to the trash bin with a keystroke.
> So let not Matt's "anything goes"philosophy and mindset discourage you,
> Paul. One sentence from you is worth many paragraphs from others when
> it comes to explaining the MOQ.
> Platt
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