RE: MD Dealing with S/O pt 1 (plus Forward to Zen Environment)

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Sep 20 2003 - 21:57:12 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Dealing with S/O pt 1"

    Matt and all MOQists:

    DMB said:
    Pointing out his antiessentialist passages for a year? I don't recall you
    ever posting a Pirsig passage.

    Matt replied:
    I cheated. I went back to a year ago and found posts where I quoted Pirsig.
    And I didn't dig around that long because I think DMB is full of bunk...
    But I tell you, looking back, its really hard to say that I never talk about
    Pirsig. Or even rarely.

    dmb says:
    We agree on at least on thing; you cheated. There is a whole world of
    difference between posting quotes FOR A YEAR and posting quotes A YEAR AGO.
    In any case, I merely said that I did not recall such an effort, not that
    you never tried. Further, it seems that you're too concerned with with
    things other than addressing the issue. I mean, why not simply post those
    anti-essentialist quotes? Then I would have some idea of what you're talking
    about. (Assuming you'd like to be understood.) Why not just skip all the
    defensive moves and just tell me what it is that makes Pirsig an
    "anti-essentialist". Why not simply tell me what an anti-essentialist is?
    Maybe you could even compare it to essentialists. (May I assume that you
    think this is an important idea?) I wish you'd focus on ideas. Isn't that
    why we're here?

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