Re: MD Dealing with S/O

Date: Wed Sep 24 2003 - 21:03:37 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Dealing with S/O"

    In my experience I have found it is
    best not to rely on what another person says, especially someone (Mark) who
    also apparently has NOT read the book.

    Do you understand me now?


    Hello Dan,
    I make mistakes from time to time, and when i make mistakes i try to correct
    them. Robert Pirsig makes mistakes from time to time also, as do you, and
    computers working for the Tax dept. The only difference with the Tax computers is
    that they CAN screw up your life big time!
    I apologised to Dave M and i must apologise to you also. I apologise for my
    incorrect statement regarding mind and Lila's child.
    Having said that, in a letter to Anthony McWatt, RMP recommends that mind is
    a term to be avoided whenever possible. And as the RMP writing to Anthony
    McWatt is the same RMP replying to Lila's child contributors, i do not feel i can
    be charged with the accusation of misleading people, not that you are
    launching that charge?

    As the compiler of Lila's child, may i ask: How do you feel about the use of
    the term mind? Is it to be avoided as RMP suggests?
    I have read Lila's child by the way.

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