RE: MD A metaphysics - Originality

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sat Sep 27 2003 - 22:06:28 BST

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD A metaphysics--Resignation"

    Sam, Platt and all:

    Sam said:
    I see Pirsig as giving an old idea new linguistic clothes (reality is
    morality is Quality = reality is God).

    dmb says:
    Right. Sort of. I think its more like DQ is the creator and sq is the
    created, but the two are actually One. I think the Augustine and Aquinas
    quotes could be read that way. As Pirsig put it...

    "He thought about how once this integration occurs and Dynamic Quality is
    identified with religious mysticism it produces an avalanche of information
    as to what Dynamic Quality is. A lot of this religious mysticism is just
    low-grade "yelpig about God" of course, but if your search fro the sources
    of it and don't take the yelps too literally a lot of interesting things
    turn up."

    In any case, Pirsig's DQ is lightyears away from being just "a compliment we
    pay after the fact" or anything like that. Clearly, he's refering to the


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