Re: MD What makes an idea dangerous?

Date: Sun Oct 26 2003 - 17:31:29 GMT

  • Next message: David Buchanan: "RE: MD Begging the Question, Moral Intuitions, and Answering the Nazi, Part III"


    David said:
    The Rorty reading philosopher may argue with the European that his assumptions are not valid, his self-certainty can be undermined by questioning the metaphysics that underlie his certainty, and the faith that is interwoven with his social up-bringing. There is no position from where to judge between the African and the European as to who is closer to the truth, hence the idea of truth has little use. We can say well done Mr Rorty reading philosopher in attempting to stop the European destroying the African culture, although the impact of the European is unstoppable as soon as he steps on sure, but perhaps the violence can be avoided.

    I'm not so sure I agree with this interpretation of Rorty. The language you use is dangerously close to misleading, but I know what you mean when you say, "his self-certainty can be undermined by questioning the metaphysics that underlie his certainty". But, all this means is that "there is no position from where to judge ... as to who is closer to the truth." I get the feeling you almost want to say that the Rorty reading philosopher won't _judge_ the African culture, and that the Pirsigian will. But this isn't quite right. Rorty would feel fine about judging the culture, we should feel fine in judging the culture. Ours is better. Does that mean we should destroy the African culture? Well, maybe, but certainly not with violence. Only with conversation (as long as they remain within the bounds of conversation). What the Rortyan would do is try to convince the African culture that some of his practices are inferior to ours (like leaving babies to die in bushes). An
    d, with luck, along the way of this conversation, the Rortyan will pick up a few tid-bits to improve his own culture, practices that could use improvement.


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