RE: MD Begging the Question, Moral Intuitions, and Answering the Nazi, Part III

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Oct 26 2003 - 18:08:33 GMT

  • Next message: Ian Glendinning: "RE: MD Western achievement"

    Scott, Matt and y'all:

    > dmb had said:
    > Shifting meanings, words and concepts. I am blown away by that. I'm amazed
    > that you think such tactics are A) an effective way to communicate. B)
    > honest. C) fair. D) helpful or E) otherwise a good thing to do. Hear me
    > and believe me later. Your interpretation of mysticism, your
    > of unmediated experience, has destroyed the meaning of the word. Whatever
    > is you are talking about, its not mysticism or the MOQ.

    Scott replied:
    Considering that the MOQ is an attempt to shift the meaning of 'quality',
    'value', 'subject', and 'object', I find this criticism of yours pretty

    dmb says:
    Hmmm. Its hard to imagine how you could have missed my point. Pirsig might
    be "Shifting" words and concepts in some sense of the word, but my complaint
    was about something else altogether. As I already explained, I think Matt
    has been stretching the definitions of key terms to the point where they no
    longer recognizable. (Like DQ and unmediated experience, both of which were
    already specifically addressed.) The result is that we have just one term to
    refer to two completely different concepts. Its fine to have both concepts,
    but then we need two seperate terms. (Unless confusion is the goal.) And if
    we substitute our own definitions for Pirsig's terms, we are simply no
    longer talking about Pirsig's ideas. I mean, if one were to actually
    address my concerns here, one might try to explain how and why it is NOT a
    gross distortion to describe Dynamic Quality as "a compliment". One might
    explain why I shouldn't be bothered that Matt's rehabilitated definitions
    seem to have only the thinnest of relationships to Pirsig's use of the
    terms. And there was also the far less complicated case, where Matt wanted
    us to pretend that he really meant "follow a line of thought" when he used
    the phrase "align our thoughts". This kind of thing is not only confusing,
    its dishonest.

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