Re: MD Self-consciousness

From: David MOREY (
Date: Sun Nov 02 2003 - 22:24:26 GMT

  • Next message: David MOREY: "Re: MD Self-consciousness"

    Scott:Yes, I say we are simply changing
    experience, that using abstract concepts is -- in a way -- moving us closer
    to Reality.

    DM: When Pirsig suggests we use MOQ instead of SOM this is exactly
    what he is doing. But if ideas=reality I assume you are a Platonist, so
    you why don't you reject the whole of Pirsig?

    Scott:What abstraction has to offer is its primoridal existence. That --
    since in
    > our nominalist age we tend to denigrate abstract ideas in favor of
    > stones -- we should learn to think in reverse, that stones exist in order
    > express ideas, not that ideas exist to describe stones. (Eventually, via
    > logic of contradictory identity, this last too needs deconstruction, but
    > step at a time.)

    DM:Well, in that case maybe I am ahead of you!

    David M

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Scott R" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Sunday, November 02, 2003 5:08 PM
    Subject: Re: MD Self-consciousness

    > David,
    > [Scott prev:]> > My objection to Pirsig's response is his treating "an
    > abstraction" as
    > > > somehow inferior to "concrete". This is the nominalism of Pirsig that
    > > > object to. Basically, Pirsig is adopting the basic nominalist
    > orientation
    > > > that the more "sense perceptible" something is, the more real it is,
    > > > the style of Dr. Johnson refuting Berkeley by kicking a stone. Now he
    > (Pirsig}
    > > > would expand that orientation to argue that "art and morality and even
    > > > religious mysticism" belong in the concrete, and hence "more real"
    > so
    > > > distinguishes the MOQ from materialism), but would deny that to
    > > > "abstraction".
    > [David:]> I think you are very wrong here. Pirsig is clearly
    > > saying to treat something as ONLY/exclusively an abstraction is
    > > inadequate.
    > And I am saying, why is treating something only/exclusively as an
    > abstraction considered inadequate? That is, why this presupposition that
    > abstraction is less important than kickable stones?
    > Pirsig wants to talk about reality-quality and as soon
    > > as this happens you have to start using abstract concepts, he knows
    > > this well, he talks about how SOM cuts things up one way, how this
    > dominates
    > > out thinking, and he suggests the MOQ as a different way to analyse our
    > > experience.
    > Yes, Pirsig is a nominalist. He sees that "you have to start using
    > concepts" to "analyse our experience", and worries that in doing we are
    > somehow stepping back from experience. I say we are simply changing
    > experience, that using abstract concepts is -- in a way -- moving us
    > to Reality.
    > > If something is just abstract and has no effect on
    > > reality-experience-existence why
    > > would it interest us?
    > > DQ has to be linked to
    > > creativity/mysticism/imagination if we
    > > are going to move from an SQ/DQ distinction to talk about how the two
    > > interact to produce this existence-world. Whilst I think what you have
    > say can add
    > > to our understanding of the MOQ I do not see that it either goes beyond
    > or
    > > contradicts it, rather it fleshes it out. What do you think abstraction
    > has to offer us
    > > that contradicts the MOQ, I can't see it, maybe if we can get to grips
    > with this I can change
    > > your mind or you can change mine.
    > What abstraction has to offer is its primoridal existence. That -- since
    > our nominalist age we tend to denigrate abstract ideas in favor of
    > stones -- we should learn to think in reverse, that stones exist in order
    > express ideas, not that ideas exist to describe stones. (Eventually, via
    > logic of contradictory identity, this last too needs deconstruction, but
    > step at a time.)
    > - Scott
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