From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Wed Nov 19 2003 - 21:14:21 GMT
Hi David M, Matt, (Platt)
David M said to Matt:
> Not sure you're right here. I am quite happy with the idea that value
> is a component of all experience, and as such is connected with the
> very possibility of any experience at all. It is essentially the same as
> Heidegger's
> use of Care, close to what is meant by intentionality.
David, I think you are actually disagreeing with Platt and agreeing with
Matt, then. Matt is raising the same critique with Platt that I did when
Platt suggested that a sense of value is added to our other five senses.
You are disagreeing with Platt when you say you are "quite happy with the
idea that value is a component of all experience" because Platt's statement
suggests that one special 6th sense senses value while other senses sense
something else. Impossible if there is nothing but value.
Just to be nitpicky, the MOQ does not say that value is a *component* of all
experience. Again, there is nothing but value. If you follow Pirsig, and I
hope you do, value is not a component of experience. Experience is Quality.
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