RE: MD Language in the MOQ

From: David Buchanan (
Date: Sun Nov 23 2003 - 18:54:23 GMT

  • Next message: MATTHEW PAUL KUNDERT: "Re: MD When is an interpretation not an interpretation?"

    Bo, Platt and all:
    Bo said:
    About your view being confirmed by Campbell is so well addressed by
    DMB that I won't try to do my own. Even if Campbell is no MOQian his
    approach to the mythological age fits the social epoch (when the
    Social level "reigned"). However, if his works throw any light on the
    Social-Intellectual transition I don't know ...tell us DMB!

    dmb says:
    Shedding light on the transition would be harder than what I was trying to
    do, which was only to dispute the assertion that mythology is basically bad
    science. What guys like Campbell can do for us is help to dispell that
    notion by showing in elaborate detail what the aims and purposes of the
    myths really are. Once we take a look at that, it becomes very clear that
    myths were never intended as a means for the investigation of nature or as
    any kind of scientific explanation of the world. Instead, we can see that
    the cosmology stories serve a psychological function, they help the
    individual understand his function and place in the society. Pirsig's social
    level is larger than mythology, but is extremely helpful, maybe even
    essential, to understanding what he's refering to. And of course this is not
    just an academic history lesson because this level of consciousness is still
    very powerful and makes up most of what we are as human beings. Every movie
    you ever saw operates on this level. Myths are basically the source of what
    motivates our lives, makes us happy or miserable, and each one of us is
    living out one myth or another whether we know it or not. In today's culture
    we all spend many hours every week absorbing stories of different kinds and
    it hardly matters whether the story comes to us through the news, through
    gossip, through plays, poems, songs or Hollywood blockbuster. They all have
    a profound impact on our psychological make up. Without myths we don't know
    who we are and we don't really know what Pirsig means by "social level".

    I'd also add that there is an imtimate relationship between myths and
    language, but that is a very difficult thing to unravel and will have to
    wait for another day.

    Tanks (and guns)

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