From: Platt Holden (
Date: Sun Dec 21 2003 - 21:52:10 GMT
Hi David M,
I won't comment on a lot of what you say since IMO it has little bearing
on the MOQ but rather expresses your personal political and historical
views. I like to see this site maintain a relevancy to the MOQ as there
are plenty of other sites where one can discuss geo-politics, the merits
of socialism, whether economic equality is to be desired, etc. You did
make one reference to Lila, however, but I failed to find the passage you
refer to.
> As you know early on in Lila,
> Pirsig expresses concern about
> entering into a part of the country
> where the inequality is high.
As for what you consider to be a quality kind of life you appear to
suggest Pirsig's drifting around on bikes and boats, thinking and hanging
out with Indians is the kind of life we all should aspire to. But I think
Pirsig would be the last to suggest such a thing. Nowhere do I find in his
writings any suggestions as to how you and I ought to set our goals or
live our lives other than to encourage all to follow their respective
blisses. If you know where Pirsig says otherwise, please cite where.
> Does Pirsig pursue financial gains in his books
> as his number one value? Or does he drift around on a
> motorbike, thinking, and hanging out with Indians?
> Of course, capitalism looks
> good from the US and also Europe. But ever been abroad to take a look
> Platt?
I've been to the Czech Republic, Germany and Italy several times and found
the major cities I visited "dull places" compared to American cities, just
as Pirsig describes them. I also found Europeans much more security driven
than risk takers, possessing an attitude I describe as "hunkering down." I
do not mean to disparage Europeans in any way. Were I European and the
inheritor of a history of almost constant warfare, I know my attitude
would be the same as theirs. Of course, these generalizations are subject
to numerous exceptions. As for other parts of the world, I hear Hong Kong,
the purest capitalist city in the world, is a marvelous place.
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