Re: MD: MOQ Where's the matter gone?

Date: Sun Jan 11 2004 - 08:02:13 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD The MOQ: An expansion of rationality"

    At least I hope that such a "schizophrenic" (Matt called it) attitude may
    be possible. What I am sure of is that all talk about a Buddhist-like
    "mind" different from the usual kind, DQ tensions all such heady stuff
    like these excerpts from Mark (not him of the Bible, but Squonk :-)

    Mark 11-01-04: Your fear is palpable. You know don't you? You know it's over.

    > The intellectual level in the MoQ has evolved a repertoire of static
    > quality intellectual patterns.

    Intellect has evolved intellectual patterns!! The problem is what
    intellectual value IS as different from the value level it volved FROM.

    Mark: 11-01-04: The Intellect has evolved a Static repertoire - a Sum total
    of patterns. Not one, not two, but a repertoire of huge indeterminate
    vocabulary. That repertoire is open to new organisation in coherent unity - changing
    with experience through generations. Note that the repertoire is not the
    Intellect, but a static, symbolic description. The Intellect itself is living in a
    relationship with the event stream.
    What intellect evolved from is so far hidden in the depth of Human history as
    to be a matter of speculation.

    > The sum total of the repertoire is evolving in an event stream, or DQ.
    > The evolution of the static repertoire is towards greater coherence with
    > DQ.

    Well, DQ beckons the static evolution along, but I can't see that I have
    spoken against that tenet.

    Mark 11-01-04: DQ is also the goal of evolution. You cannot explain this.

    > The important point to note is this view is not a Substance metaphysics.
    > It is a Process metaphysics.

    What's important is that the MOQ is no S/O metaphysics? Mark rejects
    the objective part but swallows the subjective. Pirsig says that the S/O
    is a good static value, the problem is where to place it in the static

    Mark 11-01-04: The MoQ is a process metaphysics. In a process metaphysics
    there are no Subjects or Objects corresponding to those in a Substance

    In my opinion Mark jumps between static intellect and the MOQ without
    using any "transformation procedure". It will bring us and the MOQ


    Mark 11-01-04: You have lost the plot mate.

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