RE: MD SOLAQI as a gift of understanding

From: Mati Palm-Leis (
Date: Sun Jan 25 2004 - 18:05:35 GMT

  • Next message: MATTHEW PAUL KUNDERT: "Re: MD The interconvertability of metaphysics and mysticism."

    Paul, Bo and others

    Thank you for your extensive reply in which you raise a number of
    issues. Unfortunately, I have only to come to explored and come to
    understand Bo's ideas over the past year, he has been working on it far
    longer than that. Not to mention that he is far more articulate than I
    am. It is my sincere hope that my limits on expressing my understanding
    won't muddy up the waters. I will however try to share what I
    understand and believe about SOLAQI yet as we all know Bo has a unique
    and keen sense of understanding on the topic.
    Mati previously said:
    When we talk about defining the "Mind" or "consciousness" related to the
    mind then, there seems to be distorted faith related to SOM.

    In the MOQ, mind and consciousness are just one level of patterns
    created by value. Do you think the existence of thoughts depends on

    Mati: Yes, when those thought patterns are based on the precepts of SOM.
    Pirsig notes in regards to the fictitious "man", "Like 'substance' they
    can be used as long as it is remembered that they're terms for
    collections of patterns and not some independent primary reality of
    their own." Lila 178. When we refer to the "Mind" in such a manner which
    is easy to do, it leads us down the garden path back to SOM. It is also
    this SOM manner that leads us to what I referred to as the mind being
    the "Mystic Apparition".

    Mati previously said:
    MOQ also resolves "Mystic" subjective reality into the social and

    Why equate subjective with mystic? I don't follow this move. How are you
    using the term "mystic"?

    Mati: Perhaps the "Mystic" subjective reality was a poor choice words to
    convey what I meant. Many times in daily life I have heard the use of
    the idea of the "Subjective" reality that clouds what we try to
    understand as reality. I have been told something to the effect, that,
    "You can't say that is real because it based on your subjective
    opinion." Of course discussions on society and intellect are based on
    the subjective, but that doesn't mean that they are invalid. MOQ
    validates the subjective reality without trying to objectify it.
    Subjective reality in SOM only seems to be valid when it is objectified,
    and when it can't it be objectified it remains a "Mystic" value.

    Mati previously said:
    "Intellect enabled SOM" sounds like "The mind enabled SOM".

    Pretty much - Quality enabled intellectual patterns which enabled SOM.

    Mati: What might be some of those intellectual patterns which enable

    Mati Previously said:
    Part of it is debunking the myth of the mind. Pirsig wrote, "There isn't
    any "man independent of patterns. Man is patterns." Lila 179 I sense
    that this becomes more clear with SOLAQI.

    Mind is intellectual patterns. Man is intellectual, social, biological
    and inorganic patterns. SOLAQI isn't required to understand this.

    Mati: You are right SOLAQI isn't required to understand this, that what
    we have MOQ for. SOLAQI only applies to the "Intellect" reality. But
    what SOLAQI seems to do is provide a footing of defining what the
    "intellect" values pattern are. Pirsig idea of Intellectual patterns
    being defined as abstract symbols manipulated into patterns of thought
    leaves the waters pretty muddy.

    You wrote: Thus, Pirsig's definition of the intellectual level is such
    that it contains patterns that are not based on the value of "objective
    knowledge." Bo's definition excludes such patterns.

    Mati: I will take a stab at this and it won't be pretty. Intellectual
    patterns are a genuine reflection of who we are. Objective Knowledge by
    "itself" does not reflect anything of who we are. Yet there are times
    we use Objective Knowledge to contrast to the Subjective reality to
    create that reflection. And that reflection becomes the value of


    PS. I would like to apologize for the many writing mistakes; I am
    "Dysgraphic" which manifests itself in my writing of which I am unable
    to completely proofread for myself. I have my good days and bad days.
    Thank you for your patience on my bad days.

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