Re: MD SOLAQI confirmed?

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Tue Jan 27 2004 - 14:13:15 GMT

  • Next message: Richard Loggins: "Re: MD SQ-SQ tension/coherence in the drone."

    Hi Bo, all,

    Bo said about SOLAQI:
    > I know that Pirsig doesn't endorse it, but it's a great mystery how
    > he could avoid drawing this SOL conclusions and thereby
    > harmonize ZMM and LILA. ...
    > He could have seen the obvious: That the mythos (that the SOM
    > replaced) aligns perfectly with the Social Level of the MOQ, its
    > value (Aretê) answers every description of social value (shining
    > Hector ..etc.). And then let SOM become MOQ's intellect and the
    > MOQ which replaces SOM (transcends intellect) become a
    > "rebel" intellectual pattern (no great issue that). And in this light
    > the Quality Event is DQ becoming S/O-patterned by intellect.

    Pirsig said in Lila, "There already is a metaphysics of quality. A
    subject-object metaphysics is in fact a metaphysics in which the first
    division of Quality-the first slice of undivided experience-is into subjects
    and objects. Once you have made that slice, all of human experience is
    supposed to fit into one of these two boxes."

    > Everything fits like the proverbial hand and glove and makes his
    > QUALITY one single unbroken line from the ZMM onwards.

    Pirsig continues:
    "The trouble is, it doesn't [fit]. What he had seen is that there is a
    metaphysical box that sits above these two boxes, Quality itself. And once
    he'd seen this he also saw a huge number of ways in which Quality can be
    divided. Subjects and objects are just one of the ways."

    It appears that Pirsig did see the obvious: that SOM is a metaphysics of
    quality. Here again we see the root expansion of rationality idea that Paul
    raised. Intellect has the role of dividing Quality, which can be done in
    many ways--not just S/O. There is no reason to limit intellect to the S/O
    divide. When we try to, we find that everything does not "fit into one of
    these two boxes."


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