Re: MD Beyond

From: Matthew Poot (
Date: Fri Mar 12 2004 - 07:46:40 GMT

  • Next message: Matthew Poot: "Re: MD Beyond"

    I did not recieve platts post (??), but I just want to say, that I cant
    believe you support the use of DDT. #1, malaria is prevented by having
    QUANINE in the diet. Why use carcinonogens?

    time for bed.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Leland Jory <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Friday, March 12, 2004 1:46 AM
    Subject: Re: MD Beyond

    > On Mar 11, 2004, at 8:05, Platt Holden wrote:
    > > I'm with you, Jon. Environmentalists do more harm in good. Example: 2
    > > million Africans dies every year from malaria which could easily be
    > > eradicated by use of DDT. But anti-pesticide zealots have convinced the
    > > World Health Organization to ban DDT.
    > Just to clarify, I'm not trying to come across as an enviro-nazi.
    > Believe you me, Greenpeace and PETA's antics piss me off just as much
    > as the next guy (assuming the next guy isn't a member of GP or PETA,
    > that is). However, I try to give a crap about the environment because
    > we ARE having a negative effect on it (vis a vis such effects as global
    > warming, pollution of air and water, direct and indirect cause of
    > extinctions of various species). I try to remember that life is based
    > on interdependence.
    > As for DDT (and DDE/DDD), check
    > It's not a damning page of info, but it does point to certain risks of
    > long-term exposure (the potential for liver cancer, for one). Plus,
    > animals tend to be more sensitive to the chemical.
    > That being said, I'm not evangelizing to anyone. I recycle. I try to
    > buy products with minimal environmental impact (whenever possible). I
    > try to make sure any vehicle I buy is relatively fuel-efficient and
    > minimally polluting (again, as much as possible). It's up to you if you
    > want to follow suit.
    > --
    > Leland Jory :^{)>
    > Cafeteria Spiritualist and Philosopher
    > "It is a puzzling thing. The truth knocks on the door and you say, 'Go
    > away, I'm looking for the truth.' and so it goes away. Puzzling." -
    > Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
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