Re: MD SQ-SQ coherence and the Biosphere.

Date: Wed Mar 24 2004 - 20:25:52 GMT

  • Next message: "Re: MD SQ-SQ coherence and the Biosphere."

    Hi Mark

    Mark:That is to say, you are emerging
    from the event stream, and heading towards DQ right now.

    DM: Is there also a motion away from DQ and what would be the result
    of that? A movement to SQ/repetition?

    Hi David,
    If we accept DQ is at work in all levels all the time, then the coherence
    thesis may hold up?
    Assuming this is so, and experience is verifying coherence when we
    participate in creative activity, (playing tennis would be an example, along with other
    arts, like rhetoric or Mathematics, etc.) then there is a shift away from
    coherence when we stop 'going with the flow.'

    Event stream (DQ) --------> coherence <-------- DQ - goal of Evolution

    Coherence is an MoQ description of 'the way' or flow - Tao, Quality.

    Repetition can be the basis for Dynamic intervention?
    For example, the repetitive practices of the monk, or the Tennis player,
    allowed them to 'forget' patterns and 'let go' of 'themselves' in a higher
    relationship with DQ.
    So, the value of repetition may appear ambiguous?
    But blind repetition without any purposeless tension would appear to be a
    good description of Static Quality?

    The book, 'The ragged trousered philanthropist' was recommended to me as an
    example of how mundane and oppressive working practices can paradoxically free
    up space for DQ to intervene. One may notice this when white washing a wall
    for a few hours, painting a fence, driving a car over long distances, walking or
    simply doing the dishes?

    Sooner or later one has to abandon the brush or car or soapy water - to have
    to continue doing any of this way beyond the 'sweet spot' of optimum coherence
    may be a movement towards Static Quality.

    All the best,

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