MD Patterns

From: Steve Peterson (
Date: Fri Apr 30 2004 - 01:16:06 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD Religion of the future."

    Hi Platt,

    >>> Platt: I guess that patterns as
    >>> 'perceptual structures' might have something to do with those
    >>> cultural
    >>> glasses we all have by which we make sense of the data of experience.
    >> I agree, but I think they also have to do with our biological
    >> make-up. I
    >> think ZAMM's Quality as pre-intellectual awareness translates into the
    >> MOQ's static-dynamic split of Quality as unpatterned awareness which
    >> then
    >> becomes manifest as (DQ or) four different types of perceptual
    >> structures,
    >> not just intellectual awareness. For example, getting your ass off a
    >> hot
    >> stove is pre-intellectual, but not pre-biological.
    > Platt:
    > Would you say unpatterned awareness is an attribute of inorganic as
    > well
    > as biological patterns? Do you think biological patterns behave
    > according
    > to instinctive perceptual structures?

    A biological entity's behavior constitutes biological patterns that we
    can perceive, and it seems that a biological entity itself also
    perceives structure. They too have the equivalent of "cultural glasses"
    that filter what sorts of structures that they will perceive (e.g. they
    are incapable of participating in social patterns like imitating the
    behavior of celebrities) and predispose them to organizing their
    sensory input in genetically pre-determined ways.

    >>> The
    >>> question is do the patterns exist independently of perception?
    >> No. I think the word pattern presupposes perception. That it why I
    >> looked it up. I was concerned about that, but this is not SOM
    >> perception since it is this patterning (and DQing) that itself is
    >> awareness which creates subjects and objects as patterns.
    > Looks like we're in a conundrum. Patterns create perceptions which
    > create
    > patterns. If we pursue this, we should pin down what we mean by
    > perception, awareness, perceptual structures, patterns, etc.

    I'll get back to you. I'm working on a more detailed account of my
    understanding of patterns in the MOQ.


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