Re: MD quality religion (Christianity)

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Thu May 27 2004 - 02:23:52 BST

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD MOQ and The Moral Evolution of Society."

    Wim, and all,

    I thought this thread was petering out, but I see Platt is back in

    This might be a good place for me to get on the record regarding
    religion, in the normal sense of that word. Even though I think
    there is no rational basis for religious beliefs, I DO NOT believe
    that people who have them are irrational in all phases of their
    thinking, and therefore have nothing of value to contribute to life.
    Far from it.

    In Central America, in the 80's, while American trained, financed,
    and logistically supported death squads were maiming, raping and
    exterminating peasant populations in places like El Salvador and
    Guatemala, some of the strongest resistance came from members of the
    Catholic Church, priests, nuns, missionaries. These people went
    repeatedly into situations where they knew they would be targeted
    right along with the people they sought to assist. In fact, many
    were indeed maimed, raped, killed. It is clear to me that such
    people, in that situation, were highly moral, incredibly brave,
    infinitely valuable.

    In my own activism, here, I've been lucky enough to work with similar
    folks. I know what they believe; they know what I think. The issue
    never comes up because we are DOING something that is more important
    than the issue, and we are all aware of this. This is the point, I
    guess: I don't care what people believe; I care what they DO.

    Although I'd really rather focus on the new thread, Wim, if you like,
    I'll address Platt's comments about the Vietnam War, justification
    for the attacks on Iraq, evidence for WMDs and when it was available,
    torturing prisoners, goals of Islamic extremists, atomic bombs on the
    Netherlands, evidence for "sinister" motivations behind American
    foreign policy, and the School of The Americas (about which you are
    absolutely right, BTW). If you read back through my earlier
    exchanges with Platt you'll see that many of these issues have
    already been treated, along with plenty of suggested reading for
    anyone interested in verification. Since his nearly hysterical and
    paranoid ravings continue unabated, I can only assume that Platt is
    not really interested in understanding some easily demonstrated
    historical realities. This is unfortunate, as I thought we were
    making progress. I see now it's a waste of time.

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