RE: MD Tinnitus

From: Pete Bridge (
Date: Sat Jun 05 2004 - 12:40:40 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD a nihilist"

    David : What can MOQers say about ringing in the ears, and how to cope
    with it?
    I found an interesting site

    It argues we all hear buzzing, pulsing, whistling noises, if we listen
    out for them in complete silence, but Tinnitus is a conditioned response
    to attach special significance to them, like we would attach special
    significance to a baby crying in a nearby room and the treatment is just
    deconditioning ourselves.
    'Imagine a new neighbour has moved next door. You exhibit mild interest
    to start with, but your anxiety increases very soon when you observe
    small packages being delivered to the front door on a regular basis by
    different individuals who quickly depart. You guess that you neighbour
    is perhaps a drugs dealer, and the prospect of spending many years next
    door to such criminal activity fills you with great alarm. You are
    constantly looking through the window monitoring the activities next
    door, and experiencing much anxiety and depression, by constantly
    thinking of the inevitable and desperate outcome for yourself and your
    young family of living next door to such a person. Some time later you
    learn quite by chance, that your neighbour is involved in collecting
    food parcels for the homeless. The realization that you have wrongly
    assessed the situation results in a sudden change of attitude. You loose
    your dislike for your neighbour, and stop monitoring his activities. You
    even feel foolish at your inappropriate initial assessment, realising
    you are all too likely to think the worst of people'

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