RE: MD Horror and ever Rising Gas Prices?

From: gav (
Date: Tue Jun 22 2004 - 23:34:50 BST

  • Next message: Paul Vogel: "RE: MD COSMOTHEISM and Chapter 24 of Lila"

    that flyer was a bit disingenuous.
    to think that oil wasn't a factor in invading iraq is
    pretty naive mate. maybe oil and gas weren't factors
    in invading afghanistan either? hee hee
    read the financial papers: they are usually quite
    candid about the real motives.

    this brings me to another point. there IS a morality
    (a very short-sighted morality) to these efforts to
    grab fuel reserves and control the middle-east in
    general. the american way of life would be threatened
    without cheap oil. the american way of life IS
    threatened because oil is running out. it will be
    almost gone within 4 years. what plans are inplace to
    cope with this: none that i know off.
    we are headed for an inevitable crash that will make
    the great depression look like fun, unless we act at
    an individual level to reduce our dependence on fossil
    fuels and our ridiculous rates of consumption in

    ps oil prices are rising because of the problems in
    securing supply in iraq and elsewhere i imagine. opec,
    especially in the person of chavez, are no longer
    taking shit off the west to the same level as before.
    in australia the major proportion of petrol prices is
    still tax.

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