Re: MD distinguishing 3rd and 4th level

From: Wim Nusselder (
Date: Sat Jun 26 2004 - 06:14:01 BST

  • Next message: Wim Nusselder: "Re: MD distinguishing 3rd and 4th level"

    Dear Gavin,

    I wrote 18 Jun 2004 07:55:19 +0200:
    'Does a sattvic lifestyle make one choose a sattvic diet or does a sattvic
    diet "cause" a sattvic lifestyle??'

    You replied 19 Jun 2004 17:18:10 +1000:
    'both. they prefer each other.'

    What is the explanatory value of two patterns prefering each other?

    You continued:
    '[a sattvic lifestyle] usually starts as intellectual, then would become
    more social, ie habitual.'
    'the food is biological, in itself. the dietary plan is

    As long as it is a 'plan', I wouldn't call a dietary PLAN habitual. So could
    we say that the symbolic patterns of sattvic lifestyle and sattvic diet are
    (always? usualy?) part of one larger symbolic pattern and that this larger
    pattern sometimes influences behaviour to the point that it (both lifestyle
    and diet) become habitual? Then the essential (explaining) distinction is
    not that between lifestyle and diet any more, but between symbolic and
    habitual patterns.
    Isn't it more likely that sattvic collective habits (in certain cultures)
    prefer (i.e. tend to be rationalized in) sattvic symbolic patterns than the
    other way round?

    You wrote 19 Jun 2004 17:42:11 +1000:
    'consciousness arose from the sophiscation of language.
    consciousness is an abstract analogue of the real world.
    consciousness is where intellect operates.'

    I prefer to use "consciousness" also in a sense which makes is possible to
    say the first: "consciousness" as "flashlight in the dark". At other times
    it is necessary to use it in a sense that distinguishes it from "sleep" or
    "lack of attention" or even "lack of symbolic sophistication". Maybe
    "sophistication of" could be substituted by "symbolic"?
    I would say "reflection" rather than "abstract analogue" and "some part of
    reality" (can be even itself!) rather than "the real world".
    I don't think it is useful to introduce "intellect": another term with
    different meanings. Distinguishing "thought", "emotion", "intuition" and
    "perception" all operate in the "flashlight", but "emotion" and "intutition"
    less so (only with the "outcomes" of a supposed process) than "thought" and

    You continued:
    'doesn't being conscious about hunger bring it into the realm of ideas? ...
    once status-seeking has been
    brought into consciousness, the intellect can help realise these social

    "Consciousness as flashlight" creates a symbolic reflection of biological
    hunger. Biological hunger still exists, too.
    Goals are symbolic. Once something has become a goal, this symbolic pattern
    can reinforce either exceptions from or sticking to habitual patterns of
    value, depending on the match between symbolic and habitual patterns, yes.
    If (a particular form of) status-seeking becomes a goal, the habitual
    pattern of status-seeking reflected in the goal still exists.

    You ended:
    'is intellect where everything is signified? seems like intellect represents
    every other level, simulating them. (is this the source of alienation?-
    mistaking the representation for reality?)'

    The 4th level consists of symbolic patterns standing for other patterns of
    experience (that can include itself), yes. Both the representation and the
    represented are part of "reality" according to a MoQ. Otherwise you would
    get a SOM-in-disguise: subjective representation of objective reality.

    With friendly greetings,


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