RE: MD immoral irony?????

From: Dan Glover (
Date: Mon Jun 28 2004 - 01:12:06 BST

  • Next message: Horse: "RE: MD Should racism be banned from the forum?"

    Hello everyone

    >From: David Buchanan <>
    >To: "''" <>
    >Subject: RE: MD immoral irony?????
    >Date: Sun, 27 Jun 2004 16:15:06 -0600
    >Dan Glover said:
    >I'm not denying race is a social concept. I think it is. But I think the
    >would say it's also a biological concept.
    >Pirsig said:
    >"The root of the 'racism' problem goes all the way back to square one, to
    >the subject-object metaphysics wherein man is an object who possesses a set
    >of properties called a culture. SOM lumpsbiological man and cultural man
    >together as aspects of a single molecular unit. ...By contrast the MOQ,
    >also going back to square one, says that man is composed of static levels
    >patterns of evolution with a capability of response to DQ. It says that
    >biological patterns are often grouped together, but to say that a cultural
    >pattern is an integral part f a biological person is like saying the Lotus
    >1-2-3 program is an integral part of an IBM computer. Not so."

    Hi David

    Yes that seems about right. It seems to me when we talk of racism we are
    talking about social patterns of value. When we talk of genetic differences
    we're talking about biological patterns of value. The problem with SOM is
    that these values are conflated. That's what I read RMP saying in the quote
    you offer. That's what I've been saying only not nearly as elegantly. Thank
    you for sharing the quote.


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