RE: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise

From: Paul Turner (
Date: Fri Jul 30 2004 - 13:38:17 BST

  • Next message: ml: "Re: MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise"

    Hi Joe

    Joe said:
    When I see the word 'abstract' I shudder a bit. I was taught that the
    mind 'abstracts' the essence from the image. The basis for SOM is the
    division of existence into real existence and intentional existence,
    objective subjective.

    The basis for SOM is that existence is *fundamentally* divided into
    objective and subjective reality, with no explanation of how they became
    separate in the first place. Whilst the MOQ denies this fundamental
    division, in terms of its static levels it does not reject the division
    altogether, and provides an explanation for their discreteness. The word
    abstract is not an exclusively SOM word and shouldn't make anyone

    Joe said:
    I do not think that Pirsig saw the intellectual level as the "mind".

    He has equated the two several times. However, given that most people
    see mind as some kind of *container* of ideas, or a space in which ideas
    are located, and therefore something *different from* and *other than*
    the ideas themselves, it is not a good term.

    In the MOQ, mind *is*the intellectual patterns, the intellectual
    patterns are built out of social patterns of language and meanings,
    language is built out of biological brains, vocal chords, hands and
    senses, biology is built out of inorganic atoms. The patterns are all
    created and changed by ongoing Dynamic Quality.

    Joe said:
    Is gravity the degenerate dynamic Quality of the inorganic level? If so
    then gravity is divided into organic, social and intellectual gravity to
    make evolution possible.

    I find this extension of the meaning of "gravity" confusing rather than
    clarifying. I'm not sure why gravity would play a part in cultural

    Joe said:
    Is purpose (the need to eat) the degenerate dynamic of the organic
    order, existence (order) the
    degenerate dynamic of the social order, and unfinished (s/o) the
    degenerate dynamic of the intellectual order? This is the way I see
    everything depending on everything else.

    Does "degenerate dynamic" mean the same thing as "static"?



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