From: Scott R (
Date: Mon Nov 25 2002 - 04:56:01 GMT
----- Original Message -----
> [The other points in the post can be best pursued in the 'Sophocles' bit,
> they centre on truth, where I've just sent another post. I am *definitely*
> claiming that reason is incapable of choice, and that therefore reason
> (understood narrowly, not broadly) cannot distinguish a bad idea from a
> one, cannot create a hypothesis and provides no motive for the search for
> truth and meaning. That draws the dividing line pretty clearly, doesn't
> it!!! :-) ]
Draws it badly, in my opinion. I thing you are reducing 'reason' to 'logic'
which, indeed cannot create a hypothesis, etc. In my view, reason is that
which chooses among possible hypotheses, without knowing in advance whether
it will pay off, which is to say, it is DQ manifesting on the intellectual
level. It can also come up with new forms of logic (which is the abstraction
of static patterns of reason. Reason creates those patterns.)
- Scott
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