RE: MD Pirsig in Lila: Beat inspiration or plagiarism ?

From: Trivik Bhavneni (
Date: Wed Dec 04 2002 - 09:15:43 GMT

  • Next message: Blaize M. Kaye: "Re: MD Can Only Humans Respond to DQ?"

    > the word "Lila" has some Hindu connation (something about a dance
    the word pronounced lay-la (similar to lie-la) in every day Hindi (a
    language) refers to dance

    > I am lead to believe that "Lila", together with "Maya" are the key
    > concepts that define the ontology that underlies Hinduism. Pirsig claims
    > to have spent several years studying at Benares, so surely must have
    > known.
    depending on who your guru (aka teacher) is you learn the same thing in a
    different manner, so it would make sence that prig may have learnt of
    capra's lila, not calling it that.

    > Pirsig really has introduced something new with DQ (lila is supreme)
    posibly a happy coincedence

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