Re: MD A book for the post-SOM enlighhtened

From: David Morey (
Date: Wed Sep 08 2004 - 18:47:20 BST

  • Next message: MarshaV: "Re: MD and the LIE DETECTOR test"

    Everyone go to search for a book
    called The Coherent Universe and buy it, it is the most important
    book I have read for 20 years, more soon, it examines dynamic
    and creative change, it discusses the failure of the physics
    of the position of particles to explain genuine change &
    offers an amazing alternative that wipes out the secondary
    qualities of conceptual confusion: space, time & matter.
    It rethinks the meaning of experience, inert, & animism
    & sounds like Pirsig & engages the Tao. Here's a taster
    but this book is a must read. I think Pirsig readers are well
    positioned to grasp its significance, most won't be:


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