From: Matt the Enraged Endorphin (
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 04:19:34 GMT
Jonathan said:
My position is embodied by the one-liner TRUE IS AN ADJECTIVE
Joe said:
TRUTH is also a noun.
The slogan "'Truth' is an adjective" is a pragmatist slogan, one that can
also be put as "Truth is the property of a sentence." The idea is that the
pragmatist wants to eschew the idea that Truth is also a noun. For us it
is not. Its not an object "out there" waiting to be replicated or
represented properly or aimed at or anything. "True" is simply the
property we apply to sentences that cohere to other sentences that we call
There are enormous implications for this on Pirsig, one I hadn't thought of
until a couple days ago and Joe kindly reminded me of: for pragmatists,
"good" is also an adjective. This does dire things to the end of Lila. I
have yet to tease apart all the relevant passages, but it makes one think.
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