Re: MD Moral values and the election

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Wed Nov 24 2004 - 01:14:43 GMT

  • Next message: Mark Steven Heyman: "Re: MD Inequities, Morality and The MOQ"

    Thanks for a great post!

    My only quibble is with the very first paragraph. Although it may
    not be apparent in his post starting this thread, I think it's fair
    to say that the original poster's moral hierarchy does indeed deny
    the supremacy of the intellectual perspective. This is clearly seen
    in the general anti-intellectual tenor of his messages, as well as
    in his desire to rename the Intellectual Level, Individual. IMO, a
    more honest name for his "Individual Level" would be "Randividual,"
    which would also pay more open obeisance to objectivism's "virtue" of

    This miniscule quibble aside, I find your argument well-reasoned,
    well-supported, and well-written. It was a pleasure to read.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

    On 22 Nov 2004 at 1:10, edeads wrote:

    A bit late in response, but this thread caught my eye.

    Platt's initial 11/4/04 argument is interesting in that it doesn't
    deny the intellectual perspective is without merit or supremacy, but
    that the fear of "destructive forces of biological values" outweighs
    this perspective.


    I maintain that we must incorporate an assessment of effects. Are
    these biological qualities of abortion and homosexuality threatening
    to destroy society? I see no evidence that they are. We should be
    more concerned about the biological forces of world population
    growth. Are the "values voters" undermining intellectual freedom for
    theirown purpose? Here, I see evidence; inflated fear always points
    to an alternative purpose. Conclusion: Social level 1, Intellectual
    level 0.

    Quality took a hit.

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