Re: Is MD a Black Hole?

From: Sam Norton (
Date: Sat Aug 20 2005 - 10:21:02 BST

  • Next message: Sam Norton: "Re: MD how do intellectual patterns respond to Quality?"

    Hi Mark,

    > What I find kinda sad is that I'm beginning to realize that writing
    > to MOQ Discuss is indeed like typing into a black hole, as Matt
    > Kundert once told me, off-list.

    Precisely so. And not just in politics. I think serious thought needs to be
    given to how to 'static latch' some of the insights that have been generated
    over time on MD. I had thought that MF might be one such, but now I suspect
    that some sort of wiki endeavour is needed.

    Good idea? Anyone willing to help?


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