Re: MD Duty to Oneself Only? Or Others?

From: Arlo Bensinger (
Date: Sat Oct 01 2005 - 20:32:44 BST

  • Next message: Matt Kundert: "Re: MD The MOQ implies that there is more to reality than DQ & SQ."

    Erin wrote:

    >As MSH said to me once....if you don't want to talk to
    >me about this than fine but than don't mention me in
    >your emails either.
    Erin, I have nothing against talking about this with you. Maybe you're
    right, maybe it was my assumptions/expectations that led to my
    frustrations. I apologize, then, for my abruptness last time. I
    certainly never expected to "shun" you (in the Amish sense of the word).
    If you feel compelled to respond to what I've written, please do so.
    I'll try to keep an open mind.


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